Children’s Book Illustration
Certificate (Updated 2013)
And Guidelines A final portfolio
review of each certificate candidate’s work is required for completion of the
program. A candidate whose portfolio is below standards may be required to
supplement skills or repeat a course before receiving a certificate. Guidelines
for preparing the final portfolio are listed below. Your portfolio should
present your best work, demonstrate skills and knowledge learned from the
course work in your certificate program, and display your personal direction.
Please come prepared to discuss what more you might do before you show your
portfolio to a Children’s Book publisher.
of portfolio You will be required
to show TWO portfolios.
A presentation book,
with vinyl or acetate pages is preferred for both. It helps the presentation to
flow smoothly, as if reading a book, and hides the back of the artwork. It also
helps to prevent pages from being misplaced or damaged. Please do not include
any unused pages.
Portfolio #1
No larger
than 10”X12”
Should be
color reproductions of the original pieces, appropriate for drop-off.
Bring to Critique:
Portfolio #2
Size: No larger than 11”X17” |
Should be
appropriate for personal presentation, with the actual originals (if
possible, and quality reproductions, if needed).
(A laptop presentation
is also a viable alternative.)
to be Presented: The portfolio is a
showcase of what you have learned in the certificate program. You may show a
variety of media and include different styles to fulfill criteria, but
understand that a professional portfolio would have limited styles, clearly
separated. The work should reflect your knowledge and skills. Your portfolio should be a showcase for
the best examples of your work.
☐ Three images with same character taken thru
sequential action. Counts as one piece.
☐ At least one piece with anthropomorphic animal
☐ At least one piece integrating text with art
☐ At least two pieces with children of different
ethnic background different from your own
Promotional postcard
☐ Business card/ resume/ online presence
Storyboard or Dummy (place in sleeve or pocket at the back of the
• Start with a strong
piece to pull the viewer in, and end with a memorable piece.
• Make sure to get
excellent quality color copies. Check them against your originals to make sure
color is as accurate as possible.
• Work should reflect your knowledge and
skills. Be sure to include pieces that demonstrate techniques and subject
matter that you’re interested in.
• Try to arrange
horizontals and verticals in groups so that the viewer does not need to turn
the book frequently. It is acceptable to divide double page spreads across two
pages to present art in a larger format and reduce directional changes.
• All work should be
labeled (unobtrusively) Include your name and the medium/media you used on a
label visible to reviewers (Title is optional). Put your name and contact
information on the back of each piece(not on the live art).Drop off Portfolio We ask that you leave your drop-off portfolio (Portfolio #1with the photocopied work) at the CE office one week prior to the scheduled Portfolio review date detailed in a letter. Please do not leave original work. The second Portfolio with the originals should be brought to the final review.